OZNā„¢ Journal

Lighten Your Ecological Footprint

We donā€™t often stop to think about it, but everything we do is supported by the earth we inhabit. The air we breathe, the food we prepare, how we commute and every item we consume has a significant impact on the earth. From an individual standpoint, these little things might not seem like such...

Oxidative Stress

Sooner or later, it happens to all of us. It might start with those once barely visible fine lines becoming more prominent, a back that suddenly starts to get achy after a few hours of gardening or not remembering where you put your sunglasses when theyā€™re on top of your head. We tend to...

Be Smart About Plastic and Food Storage

Itā€™s been a few too many hours since breakfast and you canā€™t stop your mouth from watering as you reach into the refrigerator and pull out a container thatā€™s packed with delicious goodness for your lunch. You lift the lid and pop it in the microwave while you contemplate what youā€™re going to drink...

Know Your Skin Type

You want to take the best possible care of your skin, but in order to do that you need to understand your specific skin type. If youā€™re like most people, you might have a vague idea but determining your true skin type is often more complicated than it appears on the surface. If someone...

Think Outside the (Cereal) Box

When it comes to eating breakfast, many of us are creatures of habit. We reach for the same breakfast every morning, and often what we reach for isnā€™t the healthiest option for fueling our bodies for the day ahead. Worse yet, some of us skip breakfast altogether and set ourselves up for mid morning...

Kick the Procrastination Habit!

Procrastination. Itā€™s a fascinating phenomenon, and one that approximately 20% of adults admit to having a problem with. True procrastination isnā€™t just putting off the things we dread or attempting to avoid the inevitable. For many, procrastination sneaks in and interferes with parts of life that we actually want to engage in. Some of...

Tips to Eat Healthier

The holidays are a season of celebration. For many of us, this translates into a season of overindulgence. All those cookies, spiked eggnog and festive holiday dinners may have taken a toll on your energy level, not to mention adversely affected how your clothes fit. The new year is here, but instead of making...